Social Media Package




If you are ready to take your social media to a whole other level without doing anything but shooting some content while we take care of the rest, the Acez Social Media Package is here!

  • Manage Your Look: We will either create or recreate all your social media pages and clean them up and make them look professional
  • Write Your Copy: Create scripts and content topics for you to shoot for your stories and posts weekly
  • Video Creation: Have the videos fully edited for you with cuts, animations, text, thumbnails
  • Video Posting: Have the videos fully posted for you with captions, hashtags, and launched at the catchiest times
  • Social Media Networking: Network for you and give you a list weekly of great networking groups, individuals and posts to engage with
  • Add Value: Provide value and help you grow

$5000 a month includes all listed above

All it requires from you is a weekly meeting with my team and an iPhone to shoot raw footage and upload it in the portal for us.

If you require less services the monthly fee will be less as well.